LOS ANGELES - Plastic has not only been polluting the seas and oceans, but also most of the world's tap water, according to a new study. According to an investigation by Orb Media, scientists tested water samples from a dozen countries on five different continents, and found that 83% contained micro



Tap water: Microscopic plastic fibers found in 83% of tap water around

LOS ANGELES - Plastic has not only been polluting the seas and oceans, but also most of the world's tap water, according to a new study.

According to an investigation by Orb Media, scientists tested water samples from a dozen countries on five different continents, and found that 83% contained microscopic plastic fibers.

The U.S. had the highest contamination rate at 94%, while Europe fared better at 72%.

The microscopic fragments are believed to be from clothes, plastic waste, tire dust, microbeads, and paint that have been flushed into water systems.

Synthetic fibers shed from clothes and carpets have also been known to contaminate the air and eventually make it to waterways.

Microplastics have been known to contain toxic chemicals, which could be released into the body when ingested.

Many studies have explored the impact of microscopic plastic particles on marine life, but none so far have focused directly on human health.

With the current state of Earth's plastic pollution though, someone had better get on it.


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