Alkaline water truth exposed. Don't drink alkaline water until you watch this. Learn the truth behind the big alkaline hype and learn why acids are not bad. In fact, we could not live without acids. We are made of all kinds of acids. Markus Rothkranz interviews medical expert James Sloane who explai



The ALKALINE MYTH and HYPE- The Acid-Alkaline Truth EXPOSED

Alkaline water truth exposed. Don't drink alkaline water until you watch this. Learn the truth behind the big alkaline hype and learn why acids are not bad. In fact, we could not live without acids. We are made of all kinds of acids.

Markus Rothkranz interviews medical expert James Sloane who explains the truth about acids and alkaline substances and how they affect our bodies. This important video explains scientifically why not to use baking soda or alkaline water as healing methods, despite what some people claim. A very educational an eye opening interview
James Sloane website:
Markus newsletter website:


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